Mop Fly
&feature=youtu.be Shop Mop Fly Materials Hands down the winner of the ugliest fly competition, the Mop Fly has a love/hate following. That being said, there's no disputing the effectiveness of...
Ryan Gabert |
&feature=youtu.be Shop Mop Fly Materials Hands down the winner of the ugliest fly competition, the Mop Fly has a love/hate following. That being said, there's no disputing the effectiveness of...
Ryan Gabert |
&feature=youtu.be Shop Body Glass Dip Materials This is an awesome dropper pattern, especially for pickier tailwater fish. The original 3 Dollar Dip works great, but the Body Glass gives it...
Ryan Gabert |
&feature=youtu.be Shop Krystal Perdigon Materials These simple flies are incredibly durable and sink like a rock. Great on a Czech Nymph rig, as well as general purpose nymphing. We like...
Ryan Gabert |
We've been big fans of Enrico Puglisi materials, flies, and brushes for quite awhile now, and they didn't disappoint with their newest round of brushes! EP has the most extensive...
Ryan Gabert |
We get a lot of folks in the shop looking for Christmas gifts for their significant other, children, or family friend that ties flies, and they often are a little...
Ryan Gabert |
Getting ready for fall Baetis hatches? Blue Winged Olive hatches are one of our major hatches in the fall, and the fish really take notices of all the little olive...
Hans Stephenson |
&t=1s Shop Hog Farmer Fly Tying Materials We've been using pike tube flies a lot over the past year, and have found them to be incredibly versatile and effective! The...
Ryan Gabert |
We've had a number of folks asking about beginning fly tying classes lately, so we decided to schedule a couple! You need no experience to attend these classes, and you...
Ryan Gabert |
If you haven't fished Pike on a fly rod, you're missing out. It's some of the most exciting fishing around, and the fish are big and mean. We have several...
Ryan Gabert |
While we're not quite sure how to pronounce the name of these bobbins, but they're definitely kickass tools. If you're serious about fly tying and you dig high quality tools,...
Ryan Gabert |
Tying the Student Dry Fly The Student is a fly pattern popularized on the Bighorn River. It isn't much to look at, but like the F-Fly this simple CDC (Cul...
Hans Stephenson |