"I came across a Howard Croston pattern from the UK in Fly Fishing & Fly Tying magazine. The article showcased a brown dubbing mix, but I have tried tying it in both brown and olive. This pattern is easy to tie and highly effective. You can use it as a standalone or as part of a dry dropper rig, where it truly shines."
Use any rabbit dubbing color you wish to use. This is a versatile pattern that is easy to change color to suit the hatch you are fishing.
Hook: Fulling Mill Grab Gape heavy
Bead: Copper, Silver (Nickel), or Black Nickel Tungsten Bead
Thread: 8/0 Classic Waxed Semperfli to Match body color
Tail: I use coq de leon dyed to match dubbing color, but you can use any hackle fibers