Collection: Barr's Tung Teaser Nymph Fly Tying Materials

John Barr's Tungteaser is an incredibly effective fly pattern that we fish 12 months a year here in the Black Hills. This pattern is very impressionistic, and is incredibly durable. I especially like it as a dropper below a hopper pattern in the summer months. Tie in sizes 12-18.

Barr’s Tung Teaser Materials

Hook: Tiemco 3761 Size 12-18

Bead: Tungsten Bead sized to Hook

Thread: 70 Denier Ultra Thread

Tail: White Goose Biots

Rib: Gold or Copper Wire

Abdomen: Arizona Peacock Dubbing

Flashback: Flashabou Pearl

Wingcase: Thin Skin Mottled

Thorax: Arizona Peacock Dubbing

Legs: Partridge or India Hen

Epoxyback: Liquid Fusion, Clear Cure Goo, or 5 Minute Epoxy