Dryer Weather and Great Fishing!

Dryer Weather and Great Fishing!

The weather seems to be taking a turn for the better - the forecast for the next week is looking pretty dry with seasonable temperatures! The rain has been good and bad; some streams got hit harder than others, but there's been plenty of places for everyone to fish and we've been having great success. The fishing over the next few months is going to be incredible! The higher flows have made the fish incredibly fat and happy. Places where we would normally catch 10 inchers we've been catching good numbers of fish in the 12"-16" range! The fish I've been catching lately have been about everywhere, but I've caught a lot in really skinny seams next to the banks. Anything deeper than about six inches is fair game. The biggest fish we've been catching have come out of the skinniest water, so don't just walk past the marginal looking stuff. Hopper-Dropper rigs have been the name of the game for me for the past few days, and it seems like more fish are looking at the hopper each day. Jig Pheasant Tails have been my number one for a dropper, but North Forks and Red Butts have been picking up some fish as well. Overall, the fishing is great and will continue to get nothing but better over the coming weeks! Come out and stop by the shop and we can get you some of the latest hot bugs and show you where to head, or hire one of our expert guides to show you the ropes and teach you the nuances of Black Hills fly fishing!
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