This Quill Body nymph pattern features the new synthetic quill body from Hareline Dubbin. This material creates super lifelike segmentation while still making an incredibly durable fly. This is a great pattern from Spring all the way into late Fall when mayflies are active!
Materials List
- Hook: Tiemco 2457 Size 8-18
- Bead: Tungsten Bead sized for hook
- Thread: Tiemco 16/0 Black Thread
- Tail: Hareline Barred Mayfly Tails
- Abdomen: Hareline Synthetic Quill Body Wrap
- Flash: Small Pearl Tinsel or Pearl Flashabou
- Wingcase: Black Thinskin
- Thorax: Black UV Hareline Ice Dub
- Legs: Black or Dark Gray Cul de Canard (aka CDC)