Fly Tying Video- Barr's Vis-a-Dun Baetis

The Vis-a-Dun is a pattern designed by John Barr. This is our version of that fly. A great pattern for baetis and PMDs.
Purchase materials to tie the Vis a Dun
CDC Thorax Dun Fly Tying Materials
Hook: Daiichi 1100 or Tiemco 100 Dry Fly Hook size 14-22
Thread: 70 Denier Ultra Thread
Wing: Poly Yarn Dun or Light Gray
Tail: Coq de Leon Fibers
Abdomen: Nature's Spirit Fine Natural Dubbing
Legs/Hackle: Dun Dry Fly Hackle
Thorax: Nature's Spirit Fine Natural Dubbing
Purchase materials to tie the Vis-a-Dun