We're headed into our favorite time of year to be fishing streamers in the Black Hills - this is your best chance to get out and catch a truly giant trout on a big streamer! We have a few favorites that produce for us day in and day out, and we're never without them. It doesn't get a whole lot better than big fall browns on streamers - give it a try, you won't be disappointed!
Home Invader

This is hands down my favorite streamer pattern for the Black Hills and beyond. Erratic movement doesn't even begin to describe how this fly moves. I may be a bit partial to it - I caught my biggest brown in the Black Hills on this fly. 33" of brown trout will definitely skew your opinion on what flies work! This is usually the first fly I tie on when I'm fishing streamers, and I often leave it on all day.
Home Invader
Sex Dungeon

Kelly Galloup is unquestionably the most-heard name in streamer fishing these days, and for good reason. His flies straight up work! The Dungeon is a great pattern if you're going after the biggest of the big boys - the deer hair head on this fly makes it shake, wiggle, and bounce it's way right into the maw of a big fall brown. I prefer the natural deer hair coloration myself, and the fish don't seem to mind it either.
Galloup's Natural Dungeon

One of the strangest looking flies I've ever had the chance to fish for trout with, the Kreelex just plain works. It'll move fish that are seemingly cemented to the bottom. I don't know why, but this fly that was originally designed for smallmouth bass has an effect on snoozing trout that very few other flies have. I like this fly a lot because I can see it in the water even when it's pretty deep - when it disappears, set the hook!

While it's small in size, the Sculpzilla makes up for it with attitude! The whole body of the fly is tied on backing, so it has a seductive serpentine-like movement in the water that fish can't resist. The Sculpzilla works really well on smaller fish and smaller water, but it's also a great comeback fly for a fish that has slashed at a larger streamer but won't commit. Throw the Sculpzilla in front of them, and hold on!
These are just a few streamers of many that will work in the Black Hills, but I would feel comfortable going out with just these four. If you're new to fishing streamers, the biggest thing is to commit to throwing them - leave your nymphs and home and just bring your Maxima and your streamer box. You'll be pleasantly surprised how many fish you can catch throwing streamers, and you'll probably catch the biggest fish of your season! Stop by the shop for all your streamer supplies, sink tips, and heavy tippet - we'll head you in the right direction!