Sage has done it again. The Bainbridge Island rod company has released several new rod families for fall 2015, and they have a very solid lineup of fly rods for everybody. Whether you line blazing fast line speeds and streamers or slower rods and tiny dry flies, Sage has a new rod out that'll fit your style!

If you're a Wyoming-ite, this is the rod for you. This is definitely a great windy conditions rod, as well as throwing heavy nymph rigs or streamers. The BOLT is ultra-fast, and is very reminiscent of the TCX. Generation 5 technology is used in the construction of this rod - remember the Z-Axis? If you're fishing in tough conditions and demand tight loops and accurate casts, the BOLT will do it with ease. An added bonus is the sweet salmonfly color of it - this thing looks awesome!
Sage BOLT Rods

Sage boldly claims that the PULSE is the "finest fly rod for under $500", and I think I have to agree with them. This rod casts and looks much like a rod that cost several hundred dollars more - I would have no problem fishing the 4 or 5 weight all year in the Hills. Graphite IIIe technology is used to build this fast-action rod, and it's really a sweet rod. I just got done casting it in the alley, and I'll be ordering myself a 4 weight flavor soon! This is a great all-around rod for the budget-minded angler that still wants a quality, USA made rod.
Sage PULSE Rods
Sage MOD

This rod is built for 'realistic' trout fishing scenarios - shorter distances, dry flies, and smaller rivers and creeks. The MOD stands for moderate action, and that's what this rod is. It sits somewhere between the Circa and the ONE as far as action goes, and it's a nice middle of the road option. This rod would be a great all-around Black Hills or Bighorn Mountains rod, but it isn't made to throw bobbers and weight on the North Platte. That being said, this would be a great big river dry fly rod! If you like more of a traditional flex to your rod and fishing dry flies, the MOD is a perfect fit.
Sage MOD Rods
Sage Little ONE

Sage's new Little ONE family of rods is going to be the go-to rod for ultralight trout aficionados. Available in 8'2" in 00-4 weight, this will be a great rod for fly fishermen that prefer to fish smaller streams for smaller, wild fish. The little ONE uses the same Konnetic technology that it's big brother uses, which results in a slimmer blank and faster line speeds. If small streams and dry flies are your forte, the Little ONE is the rod for you!
Sage Little ONE
Come down to the shop and give some of these new rods a test drive - we've got lines to cast and all the new rods in stock!