Black Hills Fly Fishing Report August 8th 2018
The weather has swung back to temperatures a bit more normal for this time of year. Highs in the upper 80s. There are even a few days around 90 in the forecast. Luckily when you head up into the hills, the high temps are forecasted to only be in the lower 80s. Stream flows have come down again from the previous report in most places. This is opening up more water for dry fly fishing, specifically hoppers and bigger terrestrials. Although there are still a few caddis hatches to be found. We should see an uptick in small yellow mayfly hatches in the late afternoon- pale evening duns and tiny summer BWOs.
Rapid Creek has come down considerably above Pactola reservoir. This has opened up a good deal of fishing from Silver City upstream through Rochford. Even as far up as black fox campground. Below the dam they are still letting out a fair amount of water to get the reservoir level down. Fishing has been good below the reservoir however. Over the past few days we have seen hopper and big terrestrials start to work much better on Rapid Creek. Good timing for hopper/dropper type fishing. For numbers below the reservoir nymphing will still be the best bet. Above the reservoir stick with hopper dropper rigs unless you were fishing the deepest holes. Tricos have been sporadic on Rapid Creek in town as well have the caddis hatches. If the flows below the reservoir are lowered soon early morning Trico fishing should improve. As will the caddis fishing in the evening. Typically we start to see PMDs pick up this time of year just below Pactola. Same story here- if the flows drop then expect that areas dry fly fishing to pick up.
Spearfish creek has been fishing very well through the canyon and through town. Mostly nymph fishing, however flows have come down enough to really open up more possibilities for dry dropper type fishing. Use a chubby Chernobyl or hopper pattern or hippie Stomper as your lead fly and then drop off a tungsten nymph two feet below and fish the pocket water. The further upstream you go the better this type of fishing will be. at the lower end of town and downstream into the valley we have seen some good hopper action.
Castle Creek below Deerfield really should be coming into prime. Flows are still up a bit but this is a great time of year to hopper fish below the reservoir. Above the reservoir same story- good conditions for hopper and terrestrial fishing. Definitely a good place to get away from other anglers.
Spring Creek has good flows this year, but fishing has been a little bit tough. Try below the dam at Sheridan Lake late in the day or early in the morning. Box Elder Creek has also had good flows this year and the fishing around steamboat rock or just upstream of Nemo has been decent. We haven’t had many reports out of Custer State Park on French Creek or Grace Coolidge Creek, however they also are experiencing better than normal flows. Should be able to find some good Trico hatches early in the morning as well as caddis hatches later in the evening on the streams in Custer State Park. During the day fish yellow stimulators with the red copper John droppers.
For the most up-to-date information be sure to swing by the shop. We will show you the top flies and will point you in the right direction. Anybody looking for additional assistance give us a call and hire one of our excellent guides. Our guys have been having great luck. The fishing is going to be great will into the fall with these flow conditions. Give us a call at 605–341–2450 to schedule your trip today. Or send us an email at dakotaflyangler@gmail.com.