
Black Hills Fly Fishing Report August 9th 2019


Black Hills Fly Fishing Report August 9th 2019

Rapid Creek flows have dropped considerably in the past week. While still high for this time of year most of the creek is now fishable! We were out in town yesterday and did very well. For the most part nymph and streamer fishing are going to be the best options. However, when out on the creek yesterday there were caddis, little yellow stones, and PMDs hatching. As flows continue to drop dry fly fishing will pick up. Be careful wading the stream in and around town. Flows are high enough to make wading tricky in spots. Best bets yesterday were jig hot spots, rubber legs, and jig hare's ears.

Castle Creek - flows haven't changed much on Castle this past week. Good fishing below Deerfield Reservoir. Due to the higher flows its best to nymph, however on the longer straight runs hopper dropper rigs will be a great option.

Spearfish Creek - flows are steady and fishing has been good in the canyon and in town. Nymphs will produce the most fish. Fish are a bit pickier here than on Rapid and Castle, try smaller quill jigs and tungsten baetis nymphs. Hopper droppers or a chubby chernobyl with a dropper in town and out onto the prairie.

Spring Creek - flows have come down on spring creek over the past week. Still plenty of water. Morning and evening have had some dry fly activity. Tricos in the morning and caddis in the evening. Hoppers will produce during the day. For nymph fishing try jig slim jims, jig pheasant tails, and jig prince nymphs.

Box Elder Creek has come into good shape over the past week. Good nymph fishing throughout the stream. Bigger tungsten jig nymphs with a small dropper will produce the most fish. As flows continue to come down hoppers, crickets, and chubby chernobyls will produce.

Other options include the Grace Coolidge Walk in Area in Custer State Park. French Creek could still be recovering from flooding last week, will have to wait and see as we haven't heard any reports in the last few days.

For anglers wanting to chase pike we have reports that Pactola has fished well for pike over the past couple of weeks. Fish a little deeper than typical in the spring. Drop offs and weed edges with a type 3 sinking line will be the ticket.

Bass fishing has been good on Sheridan Lake and out on New Wall dam. Anglers willing to explore will find other great opportunites for bass on many of the public ponds east of Rapid City. Frog patterns and poppers will work early and late. Otherwise it is hard to beat Ehlers Grim Reaper on a sinking line.

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