Black Hills Fishing Report May 18th 2024
Warm this weekend. Cooler days coming this week with more moisture. We could use a bit more rain, but all in all things are in good shape. Most if not all streams are fishing well. Some little black stoneflies continuing to hatch at highest elevations. Blue Winged Olives continue, and are best on cloudy days. Some tan caddis starting to show up.
This is one of the best times of year to be out fishing. Don't wait. Get out and fish!
Most consistent fishing will be on Rapid Creek, Castle Creek, and spearfish Creek. However, with good spring flows still around, Spring, Box Elder, and French Creeks are fishing well.
Lake fishing continues to be good. Pactola, Sheridan, Deerfield, and Center Lakes are fishing very well. Balance Leeches under an indicator is a great technique for any lake in the Hills. Fishing an intermediate sinking line with a slow retrieve can produce great results, however this is best done from a boat or float tube.
Stop by or call the shop for more up to date information. 605-341-2450
Hot Dry Flies- Midges Adults 20-22, BWO sparkle dun, BWO Parachute, Tan Elk Hair,
Nymphs- Zebra Midges, Green Weenies, Walt's worm, smaller frenchies, Jig Prince Nymphs, Red midge larvae