Black Hills Fishing Report 6/25/12
Hot Patterns:
Yellow Stimulator, Snowshoe Sally
, Foam Beetle, CDC PMD Thorax Dun,
Elk Hair Caddis,
Organza Trico Spinner
Hot Bead Crystal Buggers, White Sculpzilla, Natural Sculpzilla
Tungsten PMD Split Case Nymph,
Tungsten BWO Split Case Nymph,
Tungsten Psycho Nymph,
Bubble Back Midge,
Barr's Tung-Teaser
Fishing Overview:
Good fishing continues on Rapid, Castle, and Spearfish Creeks. Little Yellow Stones on Castle Creek. Tricos, BWOs, and Caddis on Rapid Creek. BWOs and Caddis on Spearfish Creek.
Terrestrial fishing has picked up quite a bit in the past couple of weeks. Fish are eating ant, beetle, and cricket patterns. Hoppers are working at lower elevations.
Rapid Creek (Central Black Hills):
Good fishing below the dam through town. Fishing is steady above Pactola at Silver City. Tan Caddis have shown up in town . Nymphing has been best all around technique. Tricos are hatching very well in town. Get out between 6:00 and 9:00 am for the trico action.
Spring Creek (Central Black Hills):
Water is warming a bit, get out early and fish the trico hatch.
Castle Creek (Central Black Hills):
Fishing well below Deerfield Dam. Yellow Stoneflies, BWOs, and Caddis are hatching.
Spearfish Creek (Northern Black Hills):
Hatches of Caddis, Small BWOs, Little Stones, and Midges at mid-day. Good nymphing in the canyon and in town. Ant and beetle pattens are working well.
Box Elder Creek (Northern Black Hills):
Best fishing morning and evening. Tricos in the morning, caddis in the evening.
Sand Creek (Northern Black Hills):
Little Yellow Stoneflies and Caddis. Great dry fly fishing and nymphing with little yellow stonefly patterns.
Custer State Park (Southern Black Hills):
Fish the callibaetis hatch on Sylvan and Center Lakes. Fish early on the Grace Coolidge Walk-in area.
Deerfield Lake (Central Black Hills):
No recent reports.
Sheridan Lake:
No recent reports.
Pactola Lake:
Good bluegill bite in the coves. Bass on the points. Crappies on the drop offs.
That's a wrap. Be sure to call us with any questions regarding guiding or fishing!
Buy the Book: Trout Fishing in the Black Hills

If you have not had the opportunity to take a look at Steve Kinsella's book,
Trout Fishing in the Black Hills, you will be pleasantly surprised. Steve's book offers amazing insight into just how much water there is to fish in the Black Hills. Even if you have fished in the Black Hills for years, there is a good chance you will discover many more opportunities.