Photo Friday! - The Week in Pictures

Photo Friday! - The Week in Pictures

Throughout the peak of guide season, when we're all out taking a bunch of pictures, we're going to start something new. At the end of every week, look forward to a few pictures that recap the week of fishing we've had throughout the Black Hills, and to some other, sometimes more exotic locations as well. Send in your pictures to the shop email at, and we will pick a few submissions to be posted weekly as well. Thanks for reading our website and blog, and look forward to more content coming in the near future.
Pactola Pike Pactola Pike
Shaun with a nice small stream Rainbow Shaun with a nice small stream Rainbow
Chasing Pike on Pactola Chasing Pike on Pactola
Rain day Rainbow Rain day Rainbow
Another solid Rainbow Another solid Rainbow
Rainbow Eye Rainbow Eye
Yours truly, with a nice rainbow Yours truly, with a nice rainbow
Great Pike from Pactola on a Floating Umpqua Swimming Baitfish Hans' client Ernie Kalwa, with an awesome Pike from Pactola on a Floating Umpqua Swimming Baitfish
Thanks again for reading, and look forward to more! Ryan
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