Morgan's Midge Fly Tying Video
Tying the Morgan's Midge
One of our go to midge patterns. This pattern is little known, but it's hard to understand why. It is consistent year after year and on a variety of waters. We tie this pattern in sizes 18-24. It also produces extremely well in Baetis Hatch.
Morgan's Midge Fly Tying Materials
- Hook:Tiemco 2487 size 18-24 or Daiichi 1130
- Thread: Olive 70 denier
- Shuck: Hareline Midge Diamond Braid in Root Beer, or Krystal Flash Root Beer
- Body: Tying Thread
- Wing: Natural Dun Cul de Canard aka CDC
- Hackle: Dun Dry Fly Saddle