Morgan's Midge Fly Tying Video

Fly Tying Video Morgan's Midge

Hans Stephenson |

Tying the Morgan's Midge

One of our go to midge patterns. This pattern is little known, but it's hard to understand why. It is consistent year after year and on a variety of waters. We tie this pattern in sizes 18-24. It also produces extremely well in Baetis Hatch.

Morgan's Midge Fly Tying Materials

  • Hook:Tiemco 2487 size 18-24 or Daiichi 1130
  • Thread: Olive 70 denier
  • Shuck: Hareline Midge Diamond Braid in Root Beer, or Krystal Flash Root Beer
  • Body: Tying Thread
  • Wing: Natural Dun Cul de Canard aka CDC
  • Hackle: Dun Dry Fly Saddle
Purchase materials for tying the Morgan's Midge